Editor Information

  • Jinbo Deng (M.D.) is a professor of neurobiology at Henan University, a doctoral student advisor, and a visiting professor at the University of Freiburg in Germany. He has served as senior reviewer for major research and development plans at the Ministry of Science and Technology and has served as an editorial board member and reviewer for Acta Anatomica Sinica. In 1996, he obtained the Doctor of Medicine from Shanghai JiaoTong University, then studied in Germany and USA as a postdoctoral fellow and associate researcher. His research area is on CNS development, neurodifferentiation and stem cell tissue engineering. His team successfully established a cerebral organoid model for Alzheimer's disease using iPS cells and 3D culture technology. This technology has been well received by peers and experts. Professor Deng has published over 60 SCI publications which have been cited multiple times by internationally renowned journals, such as Science, Nature, Cell, Neuron, and J. Neuroscience

  • 2023-09-14 Visited: 856