Editor Information

  • Liu Jun, MD, Top-Tier Radiologist, full Professor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi 'an Jiaotong University, served as: President-elect of Chinese Society of Digital Medicine (2017-), Vice-President of Section Imaging Anatomy Branch and Physical Investigation Committee of Chinese Anatomy Society, co-Chair of Human Anatomy and Digital Anatomy Branch of Chinese Anatomy Society, Honorary President of Digital Medicine Branch of Shaanxi Medical Association, Honorary Editor-in-chief of Digital Medicine, Deputy Editor-in-chief of China Digital Medicine, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics. Publications & awards: the 2nd chief editor of Introduction to Digital Medicine, a National-Level Planning Teaching Material for undergraduates;the medical achievement award from Adventist Hospital in Washington D.C. USA and 4 provincial and ministerial awards in China.

  • 2023-09-14 Visited: 2786