Editor Information

  • Wucheng Tao, Ph.D.

    Dr. Tao is a Professor of Physiology, at Fujian Medical University in China. He obtained Ph.D. in Physiology from University of Washington in Seattle, and then did a postdoc fellowship with Dr. Roger Nicoll at UCSF. Currently, he serves as associate dean at School of Basic Medical Sciences at Fujian Medical University and director of Fujian provincial laboratory of neurodegeneration. He is selected in the National Talent Program and Fujian “100- Talents Program”. He acts as guest editor for Biology and review editors for several journals such as Frontiers in Genetics、Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience、Acta Anatomic Sinica、Acta Physiologica Sinica. His research focuses on the mechanism of learning/memory and related diseases (Alzheimer’s disease), from perspectives of molecular, cellular, circuit and system levels.

  • 2023-09-15 Visited: 2989