Editor Information

  • Chunmin Liang,MD& PhD, Professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University.

    Main research direction: Basic research on microenvironmental changes and immunobiological therapy of aging related diseases (digestive system tumors, central nervous system degenerative diseases, etc.). The course leader of the core course "Tumor Microenvironment" for graduate students at Fudan University, which has been selected as the key cultivation project of the Medical Master Project at Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University and the top medical talent cultivation project of " Local high-level university construction project" in Shanghai. She has led multiple National Natural Science Foundation projects, sub project of the National Key Basic Research Development Plan, and Shanghai Pujiang Talent project. Her research team has published over 40 scientific research papers in academic journals such as Journal of Virology, Molecular Cancer, Neurology Aging, Gastroenterology, Signal Transmission and Targeted Therapy, and Nature Communications, etc. She was awarded "Shanghai Pujiang Talent", "Shanghai Silver Snake Award", "Young Anatomy Scientist Award in China", and "Guangqi Talent (Top)", etc.

  • 2023-09-20 Visited: 839