Editor Information

  • Wang Huaqiao, Ph.D., is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Sun Yat-sen University's Zhongshan School of Medicine, executive vice editor of the Journal of Anatomy Research, member of the 11th and 12th Standing Committees of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and deputy chairman of the 15th Guangdong Provincial Committee of the China Democratic League. Currently, he also serves as a counselor to the Guangdong Provincial Government, a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology, and one of the first members of the National and Guangdong Provincial Health Science Popularization Expert Database, Executive Director of the 17th Council of the Chinese Anatomy Society and Chairman of the Vocational Education Anatomy Branch, Chairman of the Guangdong Anatomy Society, Chairman of the Medical Science Popularization and Communication Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Guangdong Science Popularization Writers Association, Standing Committee Member of the 11th Committee of the Science Popularization Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Standing Committee Member of the 2nd Committee of the Medical Popularization Branch of the Chinese Medical Physicians Association, and Evaluation Expert of the National Natural Science Foundation Expert in the evaluation of the National Science and Technology Award, expert in the final review of the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Medical Association, expert in the Guangdong Provincial Situation Investigation and Countermeasure Consultation Expert Database, and expert in the Guangdong Provincial Science Popularization Lecturer Group.

  • 2023-09-20 Visited: 3078