大鼠肝再生的肝细胞凋亡中Kruppel样因子4 mRNA、微小RNA-881-3p、环状RNA_20298和环状RNA_14826的表达变化与作用
林凯琳 杨献光 王子慧 臧夏炎 薛奇杰 韩璐 张春博 赵志虎 徐存拴
Expression change and role of Kruppel-like factor 4 mRNA, microRNA-881-3p, circular RNA_20298 and circular RNA_14826 in the hepatocyte apoptosis during the rat liver regeneration 
LIN Kai-lin YANG Xian-guang WANG Zi-hui ZANG Xia-yan XUE Qi-jie HAN Lu ZHANG Chun-bo ZHAO Zhi-hu XU Cun-shuan
解剖学报 . 2023, (4): 420 -424 .  DOI: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2023.04.007