Editor Information

  • Juan Sun, M.D., Department of Neurology, Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital. Associate professor, associate chief physician, master supervisor.

      Juan Sun graduated from Peking University obtained her MD degree in 2018. After graduation, Dr. Sun worked in the Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University. Dr. Sun’s research focused on basic research on plateau cerebrovascular disease. Dr. Sun is the member of Neurology Branch of Qinghai Medical Association and Young member of the second committee of neurology branch of Chinese Geriatric Society. Dr. Sun was selected as Qinghai Province's “high-level Health talents” (the introduction of backbone talents) in 2018. Dr. Sun was selected as Qinghai Province's “Kunlun Talents · High-end innovative and entrepreneurial talents” plan to cultivate top-notch talents in 2022.

  • 2024-04-06 Visited: 2786