Editor Information

  • Leng Lige, Professor, Xiamen University, School of Medicine, The Yangtze River Scholar

    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major neurodegenerative disease which severely threatens the human health globally, while there is no effective cure for AD till now. Central nervous system (CNS) unbalanced metabolism is the main cause for the pathogenesis of AD, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. In recent years, the applicant devotes to carried out research on the metabolic pathogenesis and negative psychological shift of AD. Leng’s team revealed that microglial hexokinase 2 deletion or inhibition promote ATP production and ameliorate the pathological process of AD by mobilizing lipid metabolism, which facilities understanding the metabolic mechanism of AD and provides new pharmaceutical targets for curing AD. Meanwhile, Leng lab also deeply explored the neuroinflammatory mechanism of negative psychological shift in AD disease. Leng has published in high-ranked journals including Nature Metabolism, Neuron, Advances Science, Cell Reports and Plos Biology, and will continue to work on the research on mechanism of CNS metabolic unbalance in the pathogenesis of AD.

  • 2024-04-06 Visited: 9987