Editor Information

  • Xiang Ren, M.D., Dalian Youth Talent, Associated Professor, Graduate Tutor, Department of Histology & Embryology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Dalian Medical University. 

    Xiang Ren graduated from Dalian Medical University obtained his MD degree in 2017. In 2016, Dr. Ren was supported by CSC as a joint Ph.D. student in Medical College in university of Florida. In 2020 and 2023, Dr. Ren was also supported by CSC as a postdoctoral member in Medical College in university of Florida and visiting scholar in Tokoyo Science University. Dr. Ren’s research focused on glycobiology and diabetic retinopathy. He is currently the youth committee member of Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences(CSAS), and the committee member of science popularization branch from CSAS. Dr. Ren has won a number of province awards in medical education and research.

    E-mail: xiangren@dmu.edu.cn

  • 2024-04-06 Visited: 3013