Editor Information

  • Shu Yang, Ph.D. of Neuroscience,Associated professor of Histology and Embryology in Capital Medical University,Vice chairman of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences,Executive committee member of the Histology and Embryology branch of the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences,Commissioner of the International Communication Committee of the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences,Commissioner of the Council of the Beijing Society for Anatomical Sciences,Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation and a total of 53 papers have been published.

    The 2nd prize of Beijing Youth Excellent Science and Technology Research,Young Chemist Award of the International Association for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

    Chinese Young Anatomy Scientist Award,The 1st prize of the National Teaching Competition in Basic Medicine,The 1st prize of the National Teaching Competition for Young Teachers of Medical College,The 2nd prize of the Teaching Competition in Beijing,Education and Teaching Award of Capital Medical University,The 3rd prize of the Natural Science Award in Capital Medical University.

  • 2024-04-06 Visited: 2840