Editor Information

  • LIU Qiong, Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Histo-embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University. Postdoctoral fellow and visiting scholar at the Neuroscience Center of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA. Engaged in the teaching of Histo-embryology and basic medical integration courses. Awarded the first prize of the Second Shanghai Higher Education Young Teachers' Teaching Competition and the title of "Shanghai Teaching Talent" in 2016; Awarded the Special Prize of the Second Shanghai Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition, and Second Prize of the Second National Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition. Engaged in the research of depression, obesity with depression and neuroinflammatory mechanism of brain trauma, and the mechanism of aging based on human brain bank. Undertaken National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and participated in Science Innovation 2030-Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Intelligence Technology Major Project #2021ZD0201100,Task 4 #2021ZD0201104. Published a number of scientific papers in international journals such as Translational Psychiatry, J Neuroinflammation, etc., and served as a reviewer for Cell Death and Disease, Brain Behavior Immunity and other journals. Also served as an expert reviewer for the NSFC for many years.

  • 2024-04-12 Visited: 2721