Editor Information

  • Guangchao ZhaoM.D., Associated Professor and Deputy Chief Physician, Deparment of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Xijing Hospital, Airforce Medical University.


    Guangchao Zhao graduated from Airforce Medical University (AMU), currently serving as the Deputy Chief Physician and Associate Professor of Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of AMU (Xijing Hospital), appointed as the Young Member of Chinese Society of Anatomy. Guangchao Zhao engaged in the research on the neural mechanisms of consciousness modulation and prevention of perioperative brain complications. In recent years, Guangchao Zhao have been published in 16 academic papers in journals such as Science, Mol Psychiatry, Neurobiological of Stress, and 4 textbooks, as well as 1 guideline for strategies of general anesthesia in war injuries, and hosted 7 national, military, or provincial research fundings. He was selected for the Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology, as well as Youth Talent Support Program of Shaanxi Province. As a core member, Guangchao Zhao won the first prize for scientific and technological progress from the Ministry of Education of China.

     E-mail: gczhao0518@outlook.com

  • 2024-04-15 Visited: 3155