解剖学报 ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 238-242.doi: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2016.02.015

• 解剖学 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨晓凯* 郑炎焱 吴曙智 叶华   

  1. 温州市人民医院神经内科,浙江 温州 325000
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-08 修回日期:2015-11-07 出版日期:2016-04-06 发布日期:2016-04-06
  • 通讯作者: 杨晓凯 E-mail:yakeworld@126.com
  • 基金资助:


Measurements of semicircular canal space direction based on 3D modeling of MRI data and clinical application

YANG Xiao-kai* ZHENG Yan-yan WU Shu-zhi YE Hua   

  1. Department of Neurology, Wenzhou People’s Hospital,Zhejiang Wenzhou 325000, China
  • Received:2015-10-08 Revised:2015-11-07 Online:2016-04-06 Published:2016-04-06
  • Contact: YANG Xiao-kai E-mail:yakeworld@126.com


目的 测量半规管相互夹角和空间方向。 方法 对16例磁共振3D-CISS序列内耳检查影像,分割半规管结构建立三维模型,生成3D PDF文件,在各半规管取3点坐标,通过数学方法对同侧和双侧的半规管相互夹角以及各半规管和水平面的夹角进行计算。 结果 左右后半规管夹角为98.49°±12.07°, 可以推测后半规管和矢状面的夹角为49.25°±6.04°。左右水平半规管夹角为171.58°±3.78°;左侧后半规管和右侧前半规管夹角为165.56°±5.78°,右侧后半规管和左侧前半规管夹角为164.74°±6.46°,左侧水平半规管和水平面夹角为19.43°±3.02°,右侧水平半规管和水平面夹角22.11°±4.12°。 结论 左右共同平面对半规管近乎平行,后半规管和矢状面的夹角大于45°,两侧半规管总脚分叉点和眼球下缘平面更加接近水平面。


Objective To measure the angles among semicircular canals and space direction of semicircular canals. Methods We built 16 three-dimensional (3D) semicircular canal modules from MRI volume data of the patients who underwent MRI scanning with 3D-CISS sequence for embedding into 3D PDF files to take three point coordinate of each semicircular canals and calculate the angles between the semicircular canals and horizontal plane through mathematical method.
Results The angle between the left and right posterior semicircular canals was 98.49°±12.07°, and the angle between the posterior semicircular canal and sagittal head plane was 49.25°±6.04°. Pairs of contralateral synergistic canal planes were nearly parallel, forming 171.58°±3.78° between the left and right horizontal semicircular canal planes, 165.56°±5.78° between the left posterior and right anterior semicircular canal planes and 164.74°±6.46° between the right posterior and left anterior semicircular canal planes. The angle between the horizontal plane and the left /right horizontal semicircular canals were 19.43°±3.02° and 22.11°±4.12° respectively. Conclusion The angles between contralateral synergistic canal planes are close to parallel, but the angle between the posterior semicircular canals and sagittal head plane is greater than 45°, the plane defined by bilateral bifurcation of the common crus and inferior margin of eyeball lies closer to the horizontal plane.