›› 2009, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 37-40.doi:

• 肿瘤基础研究专题报道 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Fluctuating asymmetry of dermatoglyphy in breast cancer patients


  1. 1. Department of Medical Genetic and Cell Biology, Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan 750004, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Reproduction and Genetics in Ningxia, Yinchuan 750004, China;3. Tumor Surgical Department of the Affiliated Hospital of the Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750004, China
  • Received:2008-01-13 Revised:2008-04-01 Online:2009-01-06
  • Contact: HUO Zheng-hao

Abstract: Objective To investigate the characteristics of dermatoglyphic parameters of healthy controls and breast cancers in women of Han ethnic from Ningxia, and analyze their fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Methods Fingerprints and palmar prints of both hands were collected with cyclostyling ink (breast cancer patients: 112,control: 112). Results Breast cancers had significant difference in right FRCⅠand atd (EM>P/EM><0.05)of both hands. There was a significant difference in FAⅤ(atd angle,EM>P/EM>0.01),FAⅩ(Ⅳ ridge count,EM>P/EM>0.05)between two groups, breast cancers had higher FA. And there was also a significant difference in |R-L|≥7 on distribution of atd angle bet

Key words: Breast cancer, Dermatoglyphic, Fluctating asymmetry, Palmar print, Human

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