›› 2009, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 48-51.doi:
• 肿瘤基础研究专题报道 • Previous Articles Next Articles
Abstract: Objective To observe the change of proliferation and apoptosis of HeLa uterine cervical carcinoma cells when expression of annexin A5 protein was suppressed. Methods RNA interference method was employed. The pair of siRNAs which can supress the expression of annexin A5 protein best were screened out by Western blotting and then the siRNAs were transfected into HeLa cells; 48 hours later, cells were collected. MTT method was used to observe the change of proliferation of the HeLa cells and the apoptosis examining box was used to examine cell apoptosis. Results The proliferation speed of the HeLa cells in which annexin A5 protein was low expressed had no significant difference with those of the cells untransfected while apoptosis of the cells were significantly decreased. Conclusion Proliferation of HeLa cells was not identified to be influnenced when the expression of annexin A5 protein was suppressed while cell apoptosis was affected significantly.
Key words: Annexin A5, HeLa cells, Proliferation, RNA interference, Human
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