Acta Anatomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (6): 657-666.doi: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2024.06.002

• Neurobiology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of gastrodin on M2 type polarization in activated microglia via p38 MAPK signaling

ZHAO  Yong-qiang1,2  LI  Shun-da1 CHEN  Shu-yu3 YANG  Xue-ke4 YUAN  Yun1*    

  1. 1.Department of Human Anatomy,Histology and Embryology,School of Basic Medicine,Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500,China;2.Shangdong Qingyun County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shandong Qingyun 253700, China;3. Department of Human Assisted  Reproduction Center,Women and Children Health Care Hospital of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330006,China; 4.Wuhan Children’s  Hospital, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430015, China)

  • Received:2023-09-08 Revised:2023-11-02 Online:2024-12-06 Published:2024-12-06
  • Contact: YUAN Yun


Objective  To explore the effect of gastrodin(GAS)on the polarization of M2 microglia under oxygen and glucose deprivation(OGD)and the effect of p38 MAPK inhibition on the polarization status of microglia.  Methods BV2 microglia was divided into the control group(Ctrl),p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 group(I),OGD group (OGD),OGD+I group,gastrodin treatment group(G+OGD),and G+OGD+I group. The expressions of p38 MAPK,phosphorylated p38 MAPK(p-p38 MAPK), M2 microglia marker arginase-1 (Arg-1) and chitinase like protein 1/2(YM1/2)were detected by immunofluorescent staining and Western blotting. Results  Immunofluorescent staining results showed that the pretreatment with gastrodin reduced the fluorescence expression of p-p38 MAPK in OGD induced BV2 microglia, enhanced the fluorescence expressions of Arg-1 and YM1/2. After pretreatment with SB203580,the fluorescence expressions of p-p38 MAPK further decreased,the fluorescence expressions of Arg1 and YM1/2 further increased,both were significantly different from the G+OGD group ( n=3,P<0.05). The fluorescence expressions of p38 MAPK in each group was not statistically significant( n=3,P>0.05). Western blotting results showed that the protein expressions of p-p38 MAPK, Arg-1 and YM1/2 in the OGD group enhanced,compared with that in the control group( n=3,P<0.05). After the pretreatment with gastrodin,the protein expression of p-p38 MAPK was reduced significantly,the protein expressions of Arg-1 and YM1/2 was enhanced obviously,both were significantly different from the OGD group ( n=3,P<0.05). After pretreatment with SB203580,the protein expressions of p-p38 MAPK was further reduced,the protein expression of Arg-1 and YM1/2 were further enhanced,both were significantly different from the G+OGD group( n=3,P<0.05). In addition,there was no significant change in p38 MAPK protein expression among groups ( n=3,P>0.05).  Conclusion  Gastrodin inhibits p38 MAPK signaling activation to promote BV2 microglial polarization towards the M2 phenotype,reducing inflammatory responses and exerting a protective effect. 

Key words: Gastrodin, Oxygen and glucose deprivation, Polarization, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, Western blotting, BV2 microglia

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