解剖学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 807-811.doi: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2015.06.014

• 神经生物学 • 上一篇    下一篇


沈东挥 邹松*   

  1. 福建医科大学附属协和医院放射科,福州 350001
  • 收稿日期:2015-02-03 修回日期:2015-05-30 出版日期:2015-12-06 发布日期:2015-12-06
  • 通讯作者: 邹松 E-mail:dawnshen@163.com

Assessment of diffusion tensor imaging on development of partial corticospinal tract in the brain of children

SHEN Dong-hui ZOU Song*   

  1. Department of Radiology, the Affiliated Union Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001,China
  • Received:2015-02-03 Revised:2015-05-30 Online:2015-12-06 Published:2015-12-06
  • Contact: ZOU Song E-mail:dawnshen@163.com


目的 应用磁共振扩散成像技术探讨儿童皮质脊髓束年龄和性别差异及其变化规律。 方法 90例无中枢神经系统症状及体征且颅脑磁共振检查正常的儿童(年龄5d~18岁)。按年龄分为5组: 婴儿组(组1,≤1岁),幼儿组(组2,>1~3岁),学龄前组(组3,>3~6岁),学龄组(组4,>6~12岁),青春发育期组(组5,>12~18岁)。每个年龄组内再按性别分为男、女2组。各组儿童分别行头部扩散张量成像, 根据感兴趣法选取皮质脊髓束感兴趣区并重建,测量重建的皮质脊髓束的扩散张量参数并进行统计学分析。 结果 各年龄组的表观扩散系数(ADC)值、分数各向异性(FA)值、纤维示踪平均长度、体积以及示踪的纤维束数量不完全相同(P<0.01);组间的两两比较间发现,1组与2组间ADC值、FA值及示踪纤维平均长度差异具有统计学意义;2组与3组间FA值差异具有统计学意义;3组与4组间ADC值、FA值、示踪纤维平均长度、纤维束数目及体积差异均具有统计学意义。ADC值与年龄间呈负相关,余参数与年龄间呈正相关。结论 儿童皮质脊髓束发育具有阶段性,且具有阶段性特征;磁共振扩散张量技术可用于观测儿童皮质脊髓束,评价其发育状况。

关键词: 皮质脊髓束, 性别差异, 扩散张量成像, 磁共振成像, 儿童


Objective To explore the difference of corticospinal tract in age and sex in children using diffusion tensor imaging. Methods Ninty children (age ranged from 5 days to 18 years) without abnormal central nervous system signs and symptoms and with normal head MRI were classified into 5 age groups:.infant group (group 1, ≤1 year old), young child group (group 2, >1-3 years old), pre-school age group (group 3, >3-6 years old), school age group (group 4, >6-12 years old) and adolescence group (group 5, >12-18 years old). Each age group was further subdivided into the gender subgroups. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed and the regions of interest (ROI) were selected according to ROI method to reconstruct corticospinal tracts. All the diffusion coefficients of tracts were measured and analyzed statistically. Results The apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC) value, fractional anisotropy(FA) value, average length,Tracks and volume of tracts showed significance in different age groups (P<0.01). Post-Hoc test revealed that ADC value, FA value and average length were significantly different between age group 1 and 2. FA value presented significantly different between group 2 and 3. The differences of ADC value, FA value, average length, tracks and volume of tract were found between group 3 and 4. ADC value was negatively correlative with age. FA value, average length, tracks and volume of tract were all positively correlative with age. Conclusion Development of the corticospinal tract shows periodicity with periodic features. Diffusion tensor imaging can be used as a tool to observe and evaluate development of corticospinal tract in children.

Key words: Corticospinal tract, Sex difference, Diffusion tensor imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging, Child